From Dr. Reynolds' Casebook: Hematoma (large
A large bruise (hematoma - marked by arrows) seen 2 hours
after this footballer from the Highett Football Club was kicked
on the right temple during a game. Wheatgrass cream was applied
immediately after injury. No ice was used. The swelling was
originally very tense and blue, but when this picture was
taken, it had already softened and the dark purple-blue discoloration
almost disappeared.
The following day, (less than 24 hours after the injury)
the swelling has virtually disappeared leaving only the skin
abrasion where impact occurred still visible.
The Head Trainer of Highett Football Club, Malcolm Matthews
estimates that since a wheatgrass-based cream was introduced
to the Club, recovery rates for hamstrings and other muscle
injuries, groin strains, abrasions, blisters and many other
injuries have improved by at least 30 percent.
Malcolm is happy to share his wheatgrass healing experiences
with anyone who is interested. Please call him on +61 0429
171 171.
This is an excellent example of how quickly wheatgrass can
stop bleeding under the skin and in deep tissues thereby reducing
the swelling of traumatic injuries. If this simple, inexpensive
method of contusion management was widely used, post-traumatic
swelling and therefore injury recovery time could be dramatically
The potential uses for wheatgrass as a first-aid application
are numerous. For instance, sports injuries, motor vehicle
accidents, before and after surgical procedures and operations,
falls in the elderly, school playground injuries and so on.
It would prove invaluable in every ambulance, hospital and
doctor's office, home, office and glove box.
Dr. Chris Reynolds.