Skin Recovery Spray 175ml
Antioxidant Skin Recovery Spray
Price: NZ$39.90

- Enriched with highly
bioactive wheatgrass-derived antioxidants.
- Stimulates growth
factor production which can help slow the skin's ageing
- Natural - our wheatgrass
extract is derived from fresh, vital, organically grown
wheatgrass sprouts.
- Contains naturally
occurring vitamins A, C & E, phytosterols, amino acids
and minerals plus the all-important Grass Juice Factor.
- Gluten and lanolin free.
- Safe - for children,
the elderly and infirm, during pregnancy, breastfeeding
and those trying to conceive.
- Quality - Our wheatgrass
extract is quality controlled
by state-of-the-art human genome
The brainchild of the world's leading wheatgrass therapist,
Australia's Dr. Chris Reynolds, Dr Wheatgrass ORGANIC
Antioxidant Skin Recovery Spray is revolutionising skin recovery
and repair and the enhancement of normal and ageing skin.
For instance, this testimonial from one of our numerous satisfied
"I have been using Wheatgrass Recovery Spray in conjunction
with Dermaveen moisturising lotion for approximately five
months to treat eczema that I have suffered from for decades.
I have found this treatment to be more effective than any
of the multitudes of ointments, creams and other remedies
that I have been prescribed throughout this entire period.
Many thanks."
  My 5y old has suffered from severe molluscum contagiosum for over 6mths now. We have seen clinical dermatologists 3 times, and used every prescribed treatment under the sun with no success. We stumbled across recommendations for Dr Wheatgrass and have been using Dr Wheatgrass spray on her molluscum for the past 4-5weeks and the results have been incredible. I didn't take before pictures but have attached some from today and you can very visibly see how well they are healing! Some have faded to light scars and the others are well on the way. They were incredibly raised, inflamed and constantly spreading so I'm just so so grateful for the help your product has given.
Ashleigh, Christchurch.
18th July 2024.
Hi Tony,
Just wanting you to know that the wheatgrass spray we purchased from you has worked! It is amazing. Our 10 year old daughter had what I would describe as fairly serious molluscum contagiosum. We were at our wits end having been told by our GP that there was no medical treatment and that it basically had to run its course - 18 months or so. Some suggestions were to pop the spot and try to squeeze out the white head, I guess a bit like a pimple. This was extremely painful for our daughter and in our opinion it lead to further spreading, no matter how sterile and hygienic we were. We researched and tried many other products, including Epsom salts & ZymaDerm from the USA but the virus just got worse.
Look, to anyone reading this, I would encourage you to try the wheatgrass spray, once in the morning & once at night. And stick with it. We actually noticed an improvement within just a few days, but you have to keep up the treatment 2 x per day.
I just got the biggest cuddle from my daughter as we had a final look over her body and found the spots are all gone! We beat it, and truly with the help of wheatgrass.
All the best and regards
Hello Tony,
I wanted to give you some feedback on the Wheatgrass Recovery Spray I ordered from you to treat my 8year olds molluscum on the 19th of September 2017. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This 'magic spray' as we call it cleared his molluscum up in approximately 3 weeks. As you will see by the photos starting from the bottom - the first taken on day one of the spray, 2nd approximately 2 weeks in and the last one taken tonight, although his skin has been good for a couple of weeks now so we have not used the spray. I was having a read of the information you sent through and also on the website today so am trying the spray on my 4 year olds mild eczema to give it a go. I've also just purchased the wheatgrass shots tonight for myself.

I'm going to send through these results to my son's doctor to let him know that there is a cure for these dreadful spots and you do not have to put up with them for up to 2 years! With school swimming lessons coming up a big thank you for this amazing product!!
My best,
Jane, Puhoi
Good evening,
I wanted to write to you and tell you how thankful we are for your products.
My 8 year old son contracted Molloscum Contagiousm roughly 3-4 months ago, they started out as a small patch and quickly spread all over his chest, stomach, arms and groin area, we tried so many products but every day it seemed like new ones were popping up. I stumbled across your website after searching through Facebook groups for molloscum support and your products were mentioned. I was very skeptical at first I must say, but it seemed like our last resort. We started using the recovery spray on the 22nd November 2017 and now he has one spot left which has scabbed over and is healing. It's an absolute miracle!! We have a toddler and a 9 week old baby that we were so worried were also going to get it but the spray has literally saved us so much stress, the whole family uses it now and I have told as many people as I can about your products, thank you so very much!
I have attached a photo of my sons Molloscum above, that was only some of it!
Kind regards,
Amy, Rotorua
This amazing product has helped thousands obtain a better quality
of life. See our Testimonials
- fissure,
- molluscum,
- eczema and
- many other conditions where wheatgrass has made a substantial
difference to the quality of life of numerous individuals.
- This wheatgrass spray is also the best lip balm, blackhead
cleanser and aftershave money can buy!
Indications: Dry or troubled skin, skin recovery and
repair. Natural moisturiser, blackhead cleanser and anti-ageing.
Read about numerous other uses on this website.
Directions: Apply once every second day as required.
In some cases, extended regular application may be required.
May be safely applied to raw, chafed or cracked skin.
This organic spray has many skin-related uses. For more information,
explore this website or email us at
Medical research and extensive clinical experience shows that
wheatgrass can often assist when nothing else works. Because
it is safe to use at all ages, it is always worth trying.
Although improvement may occur after a very short time, it
may take a while to get the desired result, so most often,
it pays to persevere.
What is the Dr Wheatgrass secret for healthier skin?
This wheatgrass spary has substantial benefits compared with
other skin care products because it contains high levels of
the Grass Juice Factor. This Factor contains powerful molecules
essential for cell growth, tissue renewal and enhancement
of the natural recovery process.
Ingredients: Purified water, natural vegetable glycerol,
Triticum vulgare/wheatgrass sprout extract, sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate.
Lanolin and gluten free.
No animal products or testing.
Wholly produced in Australia by Wheatgrass Pty. Ltd. Melbourne
and distributed in New Zealand by Wheatgrass NZ Ltd.