For 10 months our daughter has had molluscum contagiosum
nodules on one of her arms and despite consulting with
various doctors both here in New Zealand and also in
the UK when we were on holiday, we were told nothing
could be done unless we resorted to burning or cutting
them off, and they would eventually go away in 12-18
At first they were only located on one arm but a
few months ago started to spread to her stomach, legs
and buttocks and were getting worse not better. Then
they started to bleed on a regular basis which caused
her a lot of distress. A family friend noticed them
one day and suggested trying Dr Wheatgrass so we looked
you up and placed an order.
We were skeptics at first as surely if this stuff
was any good then our doctors would have recommended
it, but without any exaggeration we noticed an improvement
within days, and literally 2 weeks from the first application
the nodules were all but gone. Now 6 weeks on and they
are 100% cleared up with only a trace that they were
ever there. Our daughter is much happier and as are
we. Now back to the normality of going swimming and
wearing short sleeves and summer dresses and not changing
blood stained bed sheets every few days etc.
Thank you again - our only regret is we didn't know
of your product sooner which would have saved us all
a lot of unnecessary stress.
Scott & Paula, Hamilton
Scott and Paula purchased Dr Wheatgrass
recovery cream and Dr Wheatgrass recovery spray on the
16th January 2012 and the above email was received on
26th February 2012.
  My 5y old has suffered from severe molluscum contagiosum for over 6mths now. We have seen clinical dermatologists 3 times, and used every prescribed treatment under the sun with no success. We stumbled across recommendations for Dr Wheatgrass and have been using Dr Wheatgrass spray on her molluscum for the past 4-5weeks and the results have been incredible. I didn't take before pictures but have attached some from today and you can very visibly see how well they are healing! Some have faded to light scars and the others are well on the way. They were incredibly raised, inflamed and constantly spreading so I'm just so so grateful for the help your product has given.
Ashleigh, Christchurch.
18th July 2024.
I was just looking through your website again as
I had completely forgotten about wheatgrass as I haven't
had to use it. I was looking through the testimonials
and thought I should briefly write to also say how wonderful
your products are. A couple of years ago my daughter
(6 at the time) got molluscum contagiousism (not sure
how to spell it) and after taking her to the Doctor
I burst out crying as he said she would most likely
have it for about 2 years.
It was hideous, all up her arms her stomach and
starting on her legs. The doctor prescribed me some
cream to stop her itching but said there is pretty much
nothing else he could do. I got on google and researched
natural therapies and came up with your website. I thought
no harm in trying so brought the spray and the supershots.
Within 2 weeks it was pretty much cleared up, absolutely
no trace of it by 6 weeks. Truly amazing stuff!!
Debbie, Whangaparaoa
Debbie purchased the recovery spray
and supershots. This email received 13th March 2012.
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